The MyCli strategy for melanocyte modulation


Melanocytes: what they are and how they work Melanocytes are cells that sit in the dermis and hair follicle and produce a pigment called melanin that dyes the hair, eyes and skin. Their shape resembles a polyp with…

The MyCli strategy for muscle tissue reconstruction


What are proteins When we talk about protein we immediately think of foods and diets. In reality, we are not aware that proteins are the messengers of life, that our body is made up of protein chains that…

MyCli strategy to stimulate endogenous antioxidant systems


What are free radicals and oxidative stress? Antioxidant is one of the most frequent words in the language of cosmetics and physical and mental well-being. However, few people really understand the mechanism of oxidation and the cause of…

The MyCli strategy for stimulating autologous lipid production


What are lipids Lipids are a diverse group of molecules that are fundamental to our lives: they provide the necessary energy for all our systems and are part of cell membranes, so their presence is essential for intercellular…

The MyCli strategy to defend and stimulate dermal collagen


Collagen: plastic or scar? Collagen is the main protein in the connective tissue of the human being and serves to support the scaffolding of the skin, to define the contours of the face and to ensure tone and…

The MyCli strategy to defend and stimulate hyaluronic acid


The role of hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid is a fundamental polysaccharide in the tissues of our body, capable of absorbing 7 times its volume of water. Filling is the key word for this substance that has become ubiquitous…

The MyCli strategy to activate mitochondria and fibroblasts


What are Mitochondria Mitochondria are organelles present in most of our cells and their purpose is to produce energy. Their history is fascinating and to know it we should go back millions of years ago, when only a…

The MyCli’s strategy for modulated epidermic exfoliation


What are exfoliants? Exfoliation is one of the most important procedures in aesthetic medicine and is used to treat blemishes, scars, moderate to severe acne, and signs of diffuse photo-aging. Different acids, at different concentrations and pH, are…

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